Saturday, 25 June 2016

Experiential Learning in my Classroom

Incorporating Experiential Learning Theory in my classroom might include a big project, or a field trip or some type of activity that gives the learners something to think about and work on over the entire course. Regardless of the learning method I want to include the following nine key principles:

1. A good balance between activities and content / theory

2. Reserve judgement to allow a safe place for students to work through to self-discovery

3. Select learning activities that are relevant to the learner

4. Design activities that allow learner to discover connections, concepts and ways they can work within them

5. Reflective time for learners to process what they learnt and how they interact with systems around them.

6. Engage learners on a deep emotional level for self-discovery and implications of the knowledge.

7. Safe learning environment that allows learners to reflect, question, and possibly alter their values

8. Provide space and time for learners to reflect on their relationship with what was learnt, how that lands out there in the world and with others.

9. Stretch out just beyond their comfort zones in the physical and social environments. Exploring actions, consequence, and accountability (Ryerson)

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Experiential Learning in the Field of Occupational Health and Safety (Health Care Industry)

Site managers select a worker from their care staff to be a Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention (MSIP) Coach. Pre-requisites to attending are hands on learning in a Safe Patient Handling course and a list of on-line learning that must be completed prior to attending the classroom portion of the coaching program.

This five day workshop includes the support of the MSIP Coach in training's Prevention Advisor who is also their coach back on the unit. Learning activities in the workshop include a good mix of activities to support the ideas and theories presented. Demonstration, role play, guidance and hands on practice. Including, safe patient handling technique, and practice of soft skills for giving and receiving feedback (supportive and respectful) for continuous improvement and all in a safe learning environment. One of the five days is a day with their coach on the unit in the role of an MSIP Coach.

Throughout this learning which includes being a new coach on the units there are many opportunities to experiment with approaches and learn in a safe environment....including learning how to create a safe learning environment for others.

Learning How to Ride the River

"In its simplest form, experiential learning means learning from experience or learning by doing. Experiential education first immerses learners in an experience and then encourages reflection about the experience to develop new skills, new attitudes, or new ways of thinking (Lewis and Williams (1994, p.5)".


Experiential Learning by jhklaas Retrieved from June 21, 2016

Schwartz, Michelle. Ryerson University Handout. Best Practices in Experiential Learning. 
Learning and Teaching Office (LTO) Best Practices, Issue No. 36: Experiential Learning. Retrieved from June 22, 2016

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Kolb's Experiential Circle of Learning

I have been thinking for days about the concept of Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle and it is making a lot of sense to me. 

Reflecting on my responses to different learning opportunities and the approach I take as a learner depends on my reaction to the social and environmental conditions where, when, and with whom that learning is occurring.

According to Piaget, as cited by Kolb (1984, pp. 23-25) Experiential Learning: experience as the source of learning and development our cognitive development begins at birth and proceeds through 4 stages:

0-2 yrs: Accommodative - Concrete and action
2 -6 yrs: Divergence - Reflective orientation, internalized actions to images

7 - 11 yrs: Assimilation - Concepts and theories used for decisions

12-15 yrs: Convergent - Deductive reasoning testing if theories and hypothetical concepts are true

From fifteen years of age onward Kolb's theory is that there are four steps we all take when learning and not necessarily in strict order: 1) concrete experience (CE), 2) reflective observation (RO), 3) abstract conceptualization (AC), and 4) active experimentation (AE).

Another layer is added with the approach (watch or do) and emotional response (feel or think) which creates tension because we can't (watch and do) nor (feel or think) at the same time. Forcing us to decide what combination of the two will work best for our approach in that moment or learning task, identified as follows:

1. Diverging (CE/RO)
2. Assimilating (AC/RO)
3. Converging (AC/AE)
4. Accommodating (CE/AE)

The simple act of engaging in thought, alone or interacting with others, brings about change (Dewey, 1938, p. 39, 42-43). Change not just in one person instead the changes change everything. Consider the ripple effect of dropping a handful of pebbles into a still pond...or the flavour created when making a broth from a bunch of different ingredients. 

Knowing that everyone responds differently to learning and the environment in which the learning is occurring. As an instructor I need to provide structure, expectations, resources, guidance, and support to the learners as well as build flexibility into the classroom and lesson plans. Best learning experience can occur when individuals have permission to decide what approach fits with their emotional response (Ryerson). 


Doyle, Susan rendition of Kolb's Experiential Learning Circle based on images viewed on kolb's experiential learning theory pictures June 22, 2016.

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kolb84 Kolb Experiential Learning.pdf

Schwartz, Michelle. Ryerson University Handout. Best Practices in Experiential Learning. Learning and Teaching Office (LTO) Best Practices, Issue No. 36: Experiential Learning. Retrieved from  June 22, 2016.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

What it All Comes Down To

Is we haven't got it all figured out, just yet...


Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Right or Left?

For fun I completed the Left-Brain/Right-Brain Test and discovered I have a 50/50 left/right side brain preference.

Well, it turns out this myth is busted making it incorrect to label ourselves as having a strictly right (or left) brain preference. The myth originated in the 1960s with Roger Sperry's Nobel Prize winning discovery. Patients, with epilepsy who had a surgical procedure severing the connection (corpus callosum) between their two brain hemispheres prevented the two sides from communicating with each other. 

The newest study by scientists from Utah University has debunked this myth. They scanned the brains of 1,000 human subjects revealing all subjects used both sides of their brains equally. 

What is true is that we use both sides of our brains and for different thought process'. As an instructor the important lesson here is that the connections, within all areas of our brains, work their wonderful magic giving us all the gift of being be both analytical and creative. 

I can confidently introduce learning activities that stimulate both sides of the brain knowing that it does not have to be subject specific (e.g. art or accounting). Instead, I can take the whole brain approach utilizing both analytical and creative activities based on what works best for the lesson at hand.

Here are two learning activities examples worth considering:


Pro and Con Grid - Ask the learner to create a pro and con list. 

This activity requires thoughtful process of looking at two sides of each issue and to scrutinize the value of both. 


Word Journal - Ask the learner to write down one word to describe a small text, and then to write a paragraph or two to explain why that one word summarized the text for them. 

This activity requires focused reading, skill and creativity to summarize information they have read, and builds their skill in explaining and defending.


Pappas, Stephanie. Live Science Contributor (February 18, 2011) 10 Things you Didn't Know about the Brain. Retrieved from PLOS ONE. June 2016

Angelo, T. A., Cross, K. P. (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques. A handbook for college teachers. (Ed2). Jose-Bass, San Francisco, C.A.

The We in Me, by Jill Bolte Taylor

Brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor describes what went through her mind while she was having a stroke. 

Sharing her experience intelligently with heart and humour. Inspiring and reminding us that we are a life force power with the ability to choose which side of the brain we spend our time in. 

That choice impact us as individuals, our community, society, and world we live in...


Maley, Taylor photographer, Title Neuron, taken October 25, 2011, Taylortotz101. Retrieved from:  June 2015

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Motivation for the S-ages

I learnt a new word today — Gerontology —  which means the study of old folks, what it is like to get old, and the kind of problems one can expect. There is a lot of focus, these days, on the number of aging Baby Boomers and concerns about negative impacts (health care systems, care givers, etc.). All this negative focus could prove un-motivational.

I did some digging into the subject of the adult learner from middle age to the seventies
Good to be reminded of the research showing we have capacity to learn, change, and improve throughout our lives. So, plenty of reasons to be optimistic. I believe hearing this in our daily lives would be motivational. 

In 1955 “Education for Later Maturity” was the first book ever to be published on education for adults as they age by author Wilma Donahue (Hiemstra, R., 1998 p.7). Many others followed in her footsteps including Howard Yale McClusky who spent much of his career promoting the positive, capable side of aging adults, and the prospects in regard to education, here is an overview of his theory:

McClusky’s categories of needs (1971):

1. Coping - minimal literacy and self-sufficiency levels 
2. Expressive - involved in activities for the sake of the pleasure experienced
3. Contributive - altruistic desire to serve others
4. Influence - desire to affect the direction and quality of life
5. Transcendence - rising above age-related limitations 

This theory is best visualized as a formula (McClusky, 1963):

                                Margin = load 

What that all boils down to is: All those aging Baby Boomers will soon have more time on their hands with energy left over. Energy, that used to go towards providing for their families and careers (load) can now be directed (power) to learning for the joy of it, sharing their experience and sage advice (power) = High (margin) for success!

One, good way is by attending ElderCollege (free tuition) affordable way to expand their horizons on topics of interest. 


Hiemstra, R. (1998). From whence have we come? The first twenty-five years of educational gerontology. New Directions For Adult & Continuing Education1998(77), 5.

North Island College ElderCollege Courses in Campbell River. Retrieved from

June 12, 2016

Monday, 6 June 2016

Friday, 3 June 2016

I Love My Classes ...Things are Going Great, and They're Only Getting Better...

Adults have a lifetime of learning experiences some life changing... good or bad. Mine have instilled a powerful desire to provide a safe positive environment for myself and others.

My granddaughter and I attended a series of basic photography workshops facilitated by Eiko Jones an accomplished photographer from our community. National Geographic publishes his work. This might make some feel uncomfortable should they be comparing their abilities to his. Not knowing Eiko I was not sure of what to expect and was pleased at what transpired.

He provided directions and a pre-readng for the outdoor session which my granddaughter would read out loud as we travelled to the location. Both happy to have the time to ponder and
 get the concept before arriving.

The group gathered and Eiko welcomed us. Once all settled he would begin with an overview and demonstration. Learners were not singled out or made to feel bad if their homework wasn't done. Questions and requests for help invited. Then out on the trail we went to experiment.

Eiko checked in with learners individually or in groups to troubleshoot how the session objective could be achieved using their particular cameras. Sharing technical aspects and creative tips.

As the session drew to a close everyone was gathered to review what we learnt and answer any questions. Details of the next sessions topic and location provided. My impression was that everyone enjoyed the lesson, grasped the learning objectives, and looked forward to next weeks session. My granddaughter remarked how great it was to be learning something she wanted to learn!

Eiko provided a safe and positive learning environment ---question is--- how specifically did he do that? Dan Boudreau tells us ten ways to create the ideal learning environment in his great article posted in

        1. Lead with a positive attitude

        2. Establish an emotionally safe and friendly learning environment

        3. Teach topics that are interesting to you

        4. Focus on the learner

        5. Build trust

        6. Create learning adventures

        7. Encourage supportiveness

8. Appeal to a variety of senses, aromas, visuals, nature sounds...

        9. Use learning circles

        10. Use music  (
# 10 was replaced with a beach fire)

I would say Eiko's workshops demonstrate an ideal learning environments!


Boudreau, Dan. (2012) Creating the Ideal Learning Environment: Emotional. Retrieved from June 3, 2016

Boyd, C.  (1995) Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom in John Hopkins School of Education. New Horizons for Learning. Retrieved from 
June 3, 2016

Clapper, T. C. (2010). Creating the safe learning environment. PAILAL, 3(2), 1-6.

Jones, E. Retrieved from eiko jones cloud of tadpoles June 3, 2016

Senger, N. (2007) 85 Positive Songs for Teachers to use in the Classroom. Teen Literacy Tips. Retrieved from June 3, 2016

Songwriters: MacDonald, P. L., MacDonald, B. (1986) The Futures So Bright (I gotta wear shades) 
lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., The Bicycle Music Company

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Learning Partners - Skype Connection

I visited Rachael's Blog before our meeting and really enjoyed reading her interesting posts on trends in the field of nursing and adult education.

Coordinating a date/time for us to meet was the most difficult part of this task and well worth the effort. Technology worked well and it was a pleasure to meet Rachael.

We shared a bit about ourselves and discovered we are close geographically close and both work in the health care industry.

Key trends in nursing:

Male nurses make up a small percentage of demographics in this female dominant industry. Some generational cultures impact their role from female coworkers and patients.

Female coworkers sometimes look a strong male to present for certain tasks. Elderly female dementia patients often prefer a female nurse to assist them. When caring for elderly patients with gender role stereotype assumptions (doctors are males, nurses are females) compliance can be gained, "time for a nap" when patient assumes the male is a doctor and so instruction is followed without question.

On the downside male nurses surrounded by a high percentage of female nurses can feel out of their element.

Key trends in adult education:

Increased popularity in On-line learning and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides learning and employment opportunities for those who have not fit into the traditional means of education at a university or college due to tuition or the logistics, or physical abilities. Example of this is two students who's world opened up when they did exceptionally well in their MOOC, got sent to Boot Camp and from there attended a prestigious school of technology. 

Rachael shared that there are not more smart people in the world --- just more smart people have access to education.

Having an instructor diploma opens up a whole new mix of opportunities in our chosen fields as well as it has the ability to relevant for many others. We both see that there will be creative use of our diplomas that will serve our careers well.

My partners Blog writing flows nicely, interesting, and informative. I enjoyed meeting her and our conversation.