Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Learning Partners - Skype Connection

I visited Rachael's Blog before our meeting and really enjoyed reading her interesting posts on trends in the field of nursing and adult education.

Coordinating a date/time for us to meet was the most difficult part of this task and well worth the effort. Technology worked well and it was a pleasure to meet Rachael.

We shared a bit about ourselves and discovered we are close geographically close and both work in the health care industry.

Key trends in nursing:

Male nurses make up a small percentage of demographics in this female dominant industry. Some generational cultures impact their role from female coworkers and patients.

Female coworkers sometimes look a strong male to present for certain tasks. Elderly female dementia patients often prefer a female nurse to assist them. When caring for elderly patients with gender role stereotype assumptions (doctors are males, nurses are females) compliance can be gained, "time for a nap" when patient assumes the male is a doctor and so instruction is followed without question.

On the downside male nurses surrounded by a high percentage of female nurses can feel out of their element.

Key trends in adult education:

Increased popularity in On-line learning and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides learning and employment opportunities for those who have not fit into the traditional means of education at a university or college due to tuition or the logistics, or physical abilities. Example of this is two students who's world opened up when they did exceptionally well in their MOOC, got sent to Boot Camp and from there attended a prestigious school of technology. 

Rachael shared that there are not more smart people in the world --- just more smart people have access to education.

Having an instructor diploma opens up a whole new mix of opportunities in our chosen fields as well as it has the ability to relevant for many others. We both see that there will be creative use of our diplomas that will serve our careers well.

My partners Blog writing flows nicely, interesting, and informative. I enjoyed meeting her and our conversation.

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