Saturday, 27 June 2015

The Secret To Happiness - 'Flow'

Motivated to do the things that reward with the pleasure of 'Flow' ...

No, the Secret to Happiness isn't lots of money! Good to know that money brings no greater happiness once you have what you need to cover the basics for daily living. Knowing this helps to put priorities in doing what gives you satisfaction and gives them (employer/customer) what they need.

This same thinking applies to the other portions of your life...simply put:

Involve yourself in activities that helps others and yourself and are what you find joy in!

Here is a list of seven descriptions that others tell us they experience when in a state of flow:
  1. Be completely involved in what you are doing -- focused concentration
  2. A sense of ecstasy outside every day reality
  3. Greater inner clarity, knowing what needs to be done, and how well we are doing
  4. Knowing that the task is doable, our skills adequate for the task
  5. A sense of serenity, no worries about oneself, and a feeling of growing beyond the boundaries of the ego
  6. Timelessness, thoroughly focused on the present, hours seem to pass by in minutes
  7. Intrinsic motivation -- whatever produces flow becomes its own reward
When you are doing what you really like to be doing this is where you will find flow. A balance of challenge and skill that comes naturally. Not to say that skill does not have to be built and that as you improve your skill you will also want increased challenges.

Building a Balanced Life with Pilot Fire

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