Thursday, 26 May 2016

Transformational Learning: "Life is What Happens to You While Your Busy Making Other Plans"

The lyrics "Life is What Happens to You While Your Busy Making Other Plans" in John Lennon's song "Beautiful Boy" sent me down memory lane to my incredible learning and loving journey of being a Mom to my beautiful darling daughter. 

This brings to mind all the times in my life where I thought I knew how it was all going to go. The truth is we end up learning much much more than could have ever been guessed.

Heres to all the messy, tough, and wonderful transformations of our lives!


Retrieved from June 2, 2016
John Lennon "Beautiful Boy" album "John Lennon Anthology"
(DAKOTA CD4). Produced by Yoko Ono. Capital Records Label. 1998

Friday, 20 May 2016

Preparing for Instruction 1 -- Characteristics of Adult Learners

Way back in 1968 Malcom Knowles literally spread the word Andragogy to fellow educators. This term was his new label for teaching adults to learn. Spurred by Lindeman's pioneering ideas that adults are motivated to learn based on the situation(s) and past experience(s).  

Over, approximately a sixteen year period (1968 to 1984) Malcolm solidified 6 assumptions highlighting the differences between the adult learner and the child:
  1. As people age they change their perspective of themselves from dependent to self directed,
  2. Knowledge is stored and built upon,
  3. Adults become ready to learn a subject or task as it becomes relevant to their stage in life. Imagine a stairway of knowledge leading to the next phase of their life,
  4. Problems become learning opportunities. For the future, or, a need to know right now,
  5. Adults can be led to the learning; you can't make them drink; they decide; and 
  6. Adults want to know why they should learn engage them by telling them what and why...right from the start (Merriam, S; Bierema, LL, 2014).
Although, I have yet to read the book The Adult Learner (Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., Swanson, R. A., 2012) my curiosity is peaked by the title of chapter 14: Making Things Happen by Releasing the Energy of Others. This leads me to ponder how, when instructing / facilitating, I utilize of the 6 assumptions above:

Assumption 1Paying careful attention and consideration to how a problem or issue is presented can make the difference on how it lands on people and their response (resentment, resistance or enthusiasm and mutual respect). The more self-directed or grownup, we perceive ourselves to be, the less we want to be told what to do...or how to do it. Ask what the learner(s) think will work?

Assumption 6: Introduce an issue / topic of learning and share why learning about this topic is important. Painting a picture by telling a thought provoking story with an emotional impact. Grabbing their attention around possible consequences of not knowing. Learners then have a starting point to decide if it is relevant to them and worthy of their investments (efforts, prioritization, time, money, and change of practice). Ask learners for their thoughts on how to resolve a situation or identify actions needed.


Andragogy (Malcom Knowles). (2016, May). Instructional Design Resources on this site were created by Greg Kearsley and Richard Culatta. Retrieved from

Eduard C. Lindeman. (2016, May). Wikipedia The Free Encylopedia. Retrieved from 

Merriam, S. B., & Bierema, L. L. (2014). Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice. Andragogy: The Art and Science of Helping Adults Learn. pp, 46, 47. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.

Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., Swanson, R. A. (2012). The Adult Learner. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, NY. Retrieved from (2016, May).

6 Adult Learning Principles - Rapped Up by Deborah Nagler

Adult Learning Principles

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Trends in Adult Education - Avoid Becoming A Commodity!

I spent the morning researching trends in adult education and was reminded of the important role educators play setting individuals, business, and the economy up for success.

Doug Harward, CEO of Training Industry, Inc lays out 10 key trends in his article Key Trends for 2016: Focusing on the Science of Learning to Better Engage the Adult Learner featured in the Winter 2016 edition of  Training Industry Magazine. The underlying premise is the need to focus on the science of learning to better engage the adult learner. 

One key trend according to Doug is a renewed emphasis on instructor quality. Those with subject matter expertise and great communication skills will have a higher value placed on them. 

Interesting tensions are at play here ... consider that the virtual world has gone viral as a delivery platform. Requiring skilled instructors who make learning relevant and congruent with organizational values. On the other hand, to remain competitive and sustainable business needs access to efficient and effective methods to train their workforce. This can lead to commodification of adult educators. 

Developing yourself as an instructor with credentials 
is one step you can take to avoid devaluation. The Vancouver Community College Provincial Instructor Diploma Program journey leads there. 

Stretching yourself even further for a designation as a 
Certified Training Practitioner (CTP), or Certified Training and Development Professional (CTDP) The Institute of Performance and Learning. 

No harm in exploring ways to expand your learning journey goals. 


Harvard, D. (2016). Key Trends for 2016: Focusing on the Science of Learning to Better Engage the Adult Learner. Training Industry Magazine, Winter 2016 pp 30 - 31. 
Retrieved from 

Vancouver Community College. (2016, May). Provincial Instructor Diploma Program.
Retrieved from

The Institute of Performance and Learning. (2016). 

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Community of Learners - Partner's Blog

On-line courses of study provide self-directed adult learners, like me, an almost perfect environment. How it works for you will depend on your philosophy of learning.

I highly recommend taking the Canfield Learning Style Inventory as it gives insight into what is important to you as the learner and how comfortable you will be in this type of a learning environment.

For me independence is important and I enjoy connecting with fellow course mates. One way the PIDP 3100 course provides ways to bring us together as a learning community is in Assignment 2: Foundations of Adult Education Blog where classmates are assigned a learning partner to meet via Skype or a telephone call.

I am looking forward to connecting with Rachael, my learning partner, on what we have been reading for our Blog Assignments in the PIDP 3100 course.

Here is the address / link to her Blog:

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Creative Commons Attribution: Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence

This work by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Current Trends in My Field: Occupational Health and Safety

Training workers in occupational health and safety requirements is complex in large organizations. Effective and cost efficient ways to accomplish this are critical. Especially, when the workforce is located over a substantial geographic area. Below are some current trends making headway in this aim:

Flipped Classroom model principles applied to curriculum design and delivery. Training materials re-worked as self-paced learning modules, either as stand alone, or prerequisites to attending classroom or workshop where knowledge is put into practice in a safe learning environment.

Peer Coaching model to support workers, in their work setting, reinforcing safe work process and collaborative problem solving in the spirit of prevention.

Learning Management Systems  to manage the learning system and the learners.

Communications Technology including Skype for sharing computer screens, teleconference and video conferencing. An example of this in action for the purpose of informing and introducing the legislative changes to the Workers Compensation Act, specifically Bill 9, which impact employer incident investigation in two significant ways:

1. Preliminary investigation must be completed within 48 hours of the incident,

2. The full investigation must be submitted to WorkSafeBC within 30 days of the incident ... unless an extension is granted.

Within a short time frame a large number of workers can be trained using communication technology. Take learners on a visual tour, invite discussion, provide additional written material and resources for future reference. Ensure key points, learners, need to know about the requirements, such as: how to use the tool prior to roll out and what support looks like once activated. Such as: coaching in the moment, as needed by prevention advisor, 24/7 on-line help desk, and field guide resources.


1. "7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms" Educause Learning Initiative, Research and Publications Louisville, CO, United States, February 2012. Web. 11 May 2016. 

2. "Legislative Change: A Primer on Employer Incident Investigations" Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 2015 (Bill 9)" British Columbia, Canada, 1 Feb 2016. Web. 11 May 2016.

Monday, 9 May 2016

The Journey Continues ... 2016

Life is a learning journey filled with a variety of people in a multitude of settings. On one road I am continuing in the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program (PIDP). Taking me deep into the study of the adult learner, myself as an instructor, methods, and best practices in this profession. 

Currently, I am enrolled in the PIDP 3100 Foundation of Adult Learning course where I am learning how to create and write in a blog (on the spot and in public view). Often, this journey requires me to step outside my comfort zone - always expanding, trying new things. I will make mistakes, experience the thrill of success and learn. 

I juggle my studies with all the other facets of my life. Striving to create and maintain a healthy balance for myself and the ones I love. After this PIDP 3100 I will have the final Capstone Project before I graduate with a diploma. 

Family, work, art, music, outdoor activities, and my friends keep me busy when I am not pursuing my studies. I find there is always something to learn whatever I am doing or wherever I may go! 

I invite you to join me on this continuous learning journey and share the rich experience.

Monday, 2 May 2016

PIDP 3100: Foundations of Adult Education Here I Come!

As I begin the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program (PIDP) 3100 course I am reminded of Steven Covey's Habit 2:

Because PIDP 3100 focuses on the essential knowledge and skills delved into in the PIDP courses I have completed.

A foundational refresher at the end seems like a good plan... stay tuned and I will let you know how it all works out!